Friday, September 30, 2005

This Guy Sucks.

Yes, you've read this before, and that guy certainly sucks.
But let me take you on a trip to my Western Civilization 241 Lecture, where one guy sucks even more.

This is Kyle, who sucks.

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Kyle gives the professor a hard time, and sits there making up his own free spirited commentary the entire time. This wouldn't be so bad if one didn't have to listen and write intently during the whole lecture, so this guy gets to be a tremendous pain in the ass. He always says shit to his friends (very loudly) about how stupid the professor is, when in fact the professor is way more intelligent than Kyle can understand. Here is an example of the drama that is this lecture.

DR. GRANT: If you look up on the projector, the red spot on the map is where Mesopotamia was during this time period.
KYLE: Pshh. Where? Pshh. What a tree-hugger.
REST OF CLASS'S THOUGHTS: Where Mesopotamia is, you retard.
KYLE: Pshh. Fuck.

After careful consideration, here is what I've derived as his thought process:

If I am critical, I am rational.
If I am rational, I am able to reason properly.
If I am able to show such discernment, I am intelligent.
If I am intelligent, women will have constant sex with me.
Quod Erat Demonstratum, Dr. Grant is unqualified to teach/exist.

I got this picture of him off of The Facebook, which is a social networking thing where you expose yourself to entirely too many people at your college. His previous one was as good and I wish I would've thought to post it. As he updates, I'll update to you all with love.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

My roommate's girlfriend works for the football data collecting people, and was on this bus.
She said she was scared shitless, but the other players on the bus were unfazed by it. Said Gerald Riggs, "Oh, this happens every time. Don't worry about it." I guess that when you're big in sports, a lot of people must hate you.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

insanity at its finest hour

DISCLAIMER: THE VIDEO LINKED BELOW IS GROSS AND NOT SAFE FOR ANYONE AT WORK OR WHO BREATHES FOR THAT MATTER. However, if you don't watch it, the rest of the post is irrelevant. Let's continue...

Watch this.

Now that you're done watching it, sit back and think about how before you died, you finally got to see a man masturbate with shit all over his hands for the sake of entertainment.

OK, I know what you're thinking. Who is this guy? Why does he seem to have pica? Are these kinds of antics habits of his? Well calm the fuck down and I'll tell you.

He is the one and only GG Allin, and I am convinced he did so much heroin that the part of his brain that controls sound reasoning became offended, put on its hat and stepped out never to return again. He was the lead singer for GG Allin and the Murder Junkies. He did stuff like the above video nearly every time he performed. One of the best accounts of his concerts was when he "stuffed a live mic up his ass, climbed the lighting trellis, and kicked a hole in the ceiling while pissing on the stage below."

If this doesn't spell "great concert experience", I frankly don't know what does. As long as there is no imminent threat of exposure to GG's feces (hey that rhymes, maybe it was a song of his), then I don't see any point in leaving. His concerts turned from Punk Rockfest to Let's See What the Human Body is Cabable Of, each time a new adventure in learning. The educational value alone was worth the seven bucks it would cost to go to one of his shows.

My question, though, is what was the highway that this man followed to reach such delirium. Whatever road it is, the authorities should board it up and make a detour around it, never to be seen again. One of the signs on this metaphorical highway could have been his artwork, an example below.

This picture is titled "Blood, Shit & Cum" and is most likely just that. That's GG Allin for you, he delivers what he promises.

GG's road ended after a heroin overdose a few years ago. This disappointed many of his fans, because apparently he had promised to commit suicide onstage by lighting dynamite that was up his ass. He was a man ahead of his time; a simple, closed-minded time that couldn't accept a man with dreams of screaming and bleeding on his surrounding objects. What is wrong with us? How long must we hate and discriminate against beautiful souls that just want to express themselves? Sure, it's a terrible health hazard and detrimental to the fabric of society, but who are we to judge? You should be ashamed for looking down on this noble creature.

So this post goes out to you, GG, wherever you are. You're probably looking down on us now, hurling shit at us and walking over in the corner to think things over with poopoo on your face.

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

boredom + photoshop = blog post.

One of the Internet's heroes, for those of you who don't know him, is Bikerfox. Possibly one of the coolest (or so he thinks) of dudes, Bikerfox was once really fat and now is not. Because of this he is a self-proclaimed fitness guru and even has some hazardous way of getting off of his bike really fast.
He also has a gallery of pictures of himself, in which he poses and shows off his awesomeness. This is not only a testament to how little a right this guy has to be vain, but how horrible a glamour photography studios can be. You can see the shitty tile for chrissake. Basically, these pictures are awesome. But I wasn't satisfied. Bikerfox, you're simply too modest, so I took the liberty of editing your pictures so people could see the real, inner Bikerfox.

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I have a hard time competing with whoever came up with this though.

Sunday, September 04, 2005

On My Way to Hollywood

I'm minoring in English and have to fulfill certain course requirements to accomplish this. Writing fiction is my preferred kind of classwork, but I also wound up in a screenwriting class just for giggles. It's taught by this almost-flaming gay guy named Larson. He teaches the class with the point of getting the screenplays we write into Hollywood someday. Now, I'm not the kind of guy who wants to shatter dreams or anything, but based on what I've seen, the material coming out of undergraduate public college students in the Southeast isn't too hot right now. I guess it's a motivational technique, but still, don't get people's hopes up TOO much. The class is half normals like me and half fat people who want to be Charlie Kaufman.

W'vee started out the class with informal exercises involving two people per group, randomly assigned together. I got paired with a deaf woman. She has an interpreter, and therefore has to sit in the very front of the class so he can set a chair in front of her to sign shit out. He's kind of wierd/artsy and has a strange mullet-like haircut I've never seen before. Since we were paired together and she can't go anywhere else in the room, I'm forced to sit between her and the podium of the gay professor, so I am squeezed way too close to him.

I feel sorry for gay people, so when the poor bastards check me out I just take it as a compliment. This guy isn't much different, except he uses me in examples entirely too much, does little flirty shit, and generally makes things uncomfortable for everybody. Ain't cool. I am forced to keep my eyes away from him and not smile at his jokes, so he'll get some kind of hint that I might be there to learn how to write stuff and nothing else.

One of the first exercises we did with our new partners was a "Trust Walk". For those of you who don't know what a trust walk is, it's where one person has their eyes closed and the other guides them around so they don't hurt themselves (then you instantly develop a rapport with them, becoming best friends who write incredible screenplays, or so the professor wanted it to seem). My partner was missing her sense of hearing, so when he was telling us what we'd be doing, hopefully she didn't read my mouth with I mumbled, "Oh shit."

She started out guiding me around. This part I didn't foresee being so bad because at least I could hear her telling me what to do. But the problem lies in her deaf person manner of speech. Deaf people speak in a loose, shrill, nasal falsetto voice that's pretty goddamned hard to understand if you can't see their mouths. "Stop" sounds like "STHAWPH!" and "Turn right" sounds like "HURR EYET!". I kept running into shit and tripping down stairs the whole time for my fifteen minute half of the Trust Walk. She would laugh, "HI YI YI YI!" while the interpreter would fake laughter mixed with empathetic groaning for me.

For her turn, we came up with a system of arm squeezes and yanks. I had to put her hand on the rails and try really hard to keep her from flipping out. She really didn't like what was going on at all and kept tripping on nothing. Her interpreter got really anxious when the professor first described the exercise too, and when we were doing the whole thing he explained to me, "This shit really sucks for deaf people." He and I had this conversation while guiding the woman around with her eyes closed, so I'm pretty sure she didn't know what we were talking about.

The next time the class met, I went to the back before we got back together with our partners to put off sitting so close to the professor again. When he told us to pair back up, the deaf woman was quizzical as to why I didn't sit down next to her in the first place and said, "I HOUGHT YHOU DIDN'T WIKE MHEE."

"She thinks you didn't like her," said the interpreter.

"NO, I JUST DON'T LIKE SITTING NEXT TO THAT GUY," I said, nodding my head in the direction of the professor who was preoccupied with handing out some brightly colored handouts with a page of the Men in Black screenplay on them. "IT'S NOT YOU I SWEAR TO GOD. YOU ARE NICE."

She just forced a smile at me, then turned and started watching the interpreter who at this point was busy signing the innuendo-filled quips from the professor, who was still distributing materials.

We then started an exercise in which I played a man whose car had broken down in front of the woman's house, and I desperately needed to use her phone. Her objective was to act skeptical and not let me into her house, in other words just make it harder for me, pretty standard conflict type stuff. But instead of giving any room to act this shit out, she just pretended to open the door, said, "HAHT DO YHOU HANT?!" and slammed the door in my face. She didn't do anything else, thus making me do all the work and she just smiled sarcastically at me. What a dumb bitch.

Now she just acts perturbed all the time and we get nothing done. The professor now likes to say stuff like ass or fart or stinky, just to turn and watch the interpreter's sign for the word. Perhaps the moral here is not to piss off the deaf, because in losing their hearing they gain an acute laser mind vision that sees ways to make your life more difficult. Maybe it is act really conscientious as to not piss off any women. Or it could simply be don't take a fucking screenwriting course for christsake.